Try love.golf at Dunes Golf Centre in Fraserburgh!
love.golf beginner golf lessons are a fun, social golf experience designed specifically for women.
Women who have tried love.golf say they enjoy the unexpected sense of fun, achievement, togetherness and increased self-confidence.
Join over 700 women from Fraserburgh who have started playing golf at Dunes in the last 8 years
- No previous experience needed
- No equipment needed
- Yes you may miss the ball (everyone does to begin with)
- Yes you will have a LOT of fun!
Join a 6 weeek (9 hour) women’s golf lesson programme at Dunes and on the local golf courses
£120 for all 9 hours of coaching including club and ball hire
Wednesday Evenings 6.15pm to 7.45pm
4 September
11 September
18 September
25 September
2 October
9 October
TELEPHONE: 01346 510693
or email: peter@dunesgolfcentre.co.uk
Learn more about love.golf beginner golf lessons for women in Fraserburgh…
What the women that have tried it say about love.golf in Fraserburgh…
I’ve had a great time so far learning to play golf, I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I do now, and I thoroughly look forward to a Thursday catching up with new friends and learning more about golf.
Our tutor is easy to approach and makes the whole love.golf experience a lot of fun and very enjoyable!
Thanks to my group too for being such lovely ladies xx
Sarah Pirie
I attended one of the love.golf beginner golf lessons for women having only ever played crazy putting so I was a wee bit nervous.
As soon as I walked in I felt at ease. The ladies there were all in the same boat as me. We had never met before but we clicked instantly.
We all loved our taster and decided to join us for our first set of lessons.
Peter is a brilliant coach, he doesn’t put too much pressure on us, but helps us all to achieve our goals. We all want to do our best and feel encouraged when we see others accomplishing new skills.
By the 2nd lesson we were on the course. I couldn’t believe it!
We were all a bit nervous again but it was such an enjoyable experience. We were really playing golf, we could do it!
Not all our strokes were perfect but that’s golf for you. It was a cold cold day but it was wonderful. I felt I had accomplished something.
Since then, we been on the course again and have had many practice sessions. We have learned so much in a short space of time.
Peter, set us up in a WhatsApp group to keep us up to date with what’s on. This has turned into a group full of friends, meeting for practice sessions, lunch and chat.
I am currently on holiday and have been out on the course with my son, something I never would have thought I would be doing a few months ago!!
Thank you to Peter, for his patience, coaching and advice.
I can honestly say ‘I love golf’
Ashley Ritchie
7 reasons to start playing golf at Dunes Golf Centre in Fraserburgh…

1. Friendship & Support
Chatting as you walk between holes, a glass of wine in the clubhouse afterwards and plenty of people keen to join you for a game – golf has to be the most social sport ever invented. With plenty of time for conversation and fun, golf is the perfect way to make new friends or grow closer bonds with people you already know. The sport’s unique handicap scoring system means that players of all levels can play together either socially or competitively.
2. Keep Active
Golf can help keep you active, burn calories, stay in shape, lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and research shows it may even help you live longer. You can walk around 4-5 miles in the average game of golf, burn at least 900 calories and will take more than 10,000 steps, you will easily achieve the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week recommended by the NHS to keep healthy.
3. The Great Outdoors
Golf is also a great way to keep your Vitamin D levels topped up. Crucial for health and wellbeing, vitamin D is manufactured naturally by our body when skin is exposed to sunlight. Exercising outdoors is a scientifically-proven way to help improve your mood, stress levels and self-esteem. Rather than being a chore, golf is fun too – so you will find it easier to make exercise an enjoyable, lifelong habit. It’s a sport with a winning combination of fresh air, stunning natural scenery, friendship and fitness.
“It’s a great sport for women because it keeps you fit, you’re outdoors and you get to come to amazing places,” says the actress Denise Van Outen
4. Keep your bones healthy
One in two women over the age of 50 will suffer a fracture due to weak bones. Playing golf can help build strong bones and help guard against the bone-wasting disease osteoporosis through its brisk walking and swinging action.
5. Lifestyle
Golf can open the door to a great lifestyle giving you unique access to beautiful locations and golf clubs – many with restaurants and health clubs as well as the greens. There’s always fun and friendships available through the club and many have shops where you can pick up the latest golfing equipment and fashions.
6. Competition
Golf can be competitive and personal challenge: you can compete at club, county and national level. You can also play as part of a team or as a pair. Golf is a great alternative, or addition, to other sports such as hockey. With less wear and tear on your body than contact or high impact sports, it is a game you can play until you are much older. However, this is all optional, for many golf is just for fun.Unlike many other popular sports like football and rugby the chances of injury, especially serious injury, are almost non- existent; golf is a non-contact sport
7. It’s Fun!
This should probably be at the top of the list, but one of the best reasons to get involved in golf is you will have a blast!
TELEPHONE: 01346 510693
or email: peter@dunesgolfcentre.co.uk